Air sampling in our offices
What are we breathing?

Can a greener office have a positive impact on productivity and the well-being of those who work there?
The answer is yes.
The attached report, produced in collaboration with Strobilo, presents the results of five weeks of measurements of environmental parameters (humidity, temperature, PM10, CO2 concentration, etc.) in various working environments of the European Parliament.
From the gray office (no plants) to the green office (several plants)
The data illustrates how the presence of plants can have a significant impact on the quality of life of workers because: ▪️ CO2 concentration is significantly lower in the green office ▪️ Humidity levels are lower in the green office ▪️ Regarding air quality, particulate matter is reduced in the green office
We do not want to stop here; on the contrary, we hope that this pilot study of ours can promote environmental awareness among policymakers within the European Parliament and any other work environment.
This is just one example of how we can legislate "with and for" Nature.
For the complete report, click HERE