Andrea Bariselli, Speaker in A Green Work Office Proposal


CEO & Chief Scientist of Strobilo S.r.l.

Andrea Bariselli, scientist and founder of Strobilo S.r.l., presents the project for collecting and analyzing air quality data in relation to the amount of greenery in an enclosed environment, emphasizing its potential and future prospects.

Implementing an experimental research protocol to measure the relationship between humans and green spaces in the office, calculating the implications in terms of optimized performance and intellectual capacity in a more harmonious and relaxed environment.

This is what Strobilo has been pursuing and is explained in this interview by scientist and founder Andrea Bariselli, who is present in Brussels to illustrate the results of the Nature calls Nature research.

"Now we need to make the best use of the data gleaned from this experience," Bariselli emphasized, "to understand how there can be tangible returns on the organization of activities in green spaces."




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